This blog may not be about what you think it’s about. Maybe you think we are going to chat about how the bodies and lives on social media are fake and not to be compared to your actual, unfiltered existence. Nope. This blog is about the social media influencers who shine a light on the issue of mental health, they define mental health, suggest treatment for mental health issues, and commiserate on the struggle.
All of these things, if presented by qualified people in good faith, are wonderful. Mental health social media helps remove stigmas and lets people know – they are not alone.
The danger comes from unqualified people, motivated by likes and views, start suggesting, diagnosing, or influencing anyone on mental health. It’s one thing to say “I have been diagnosed with depression and this is what it’s like for me.” and another to say “You have depression and here is what you should eat, the oils you should use, and the supplements you should take.”
Remember, “influencers” online can lie about qualifications, titles, and life experience. They may be online because they truly want to help people, but do not offer good advice. They may be online because they are seeking attention and don’t care if their advice is good. They may be online for money and want to be as shocking and exciting as possible to encourage views to their profile.
Spending time on mental health social media can be a valuable way to spend your time. I caution you, though, to keep a critical eye. Fact check, talk to your own personal counselor. If you don’t have one, and you are struggling with your mental health, get one. Social media cannot diagnose you and every person is different. Cornerstone and all of our compassionate and caring staff are here for you and want to help you. Remember, you matter.